5 keys to a happy and healthy first trimester

first trimester pregnancy

Being in your first trimester of pregnancy can be shocking, exciting and overwhelming as you anticipate the birth of your child and all of the changes and joys it will bring to your life.

However, the first trimester can be a real rollercoaster ride with a mix of many highs and lows. While you may not be “showing” as much as you will down the road, NOW is the most critical time to take care of yourself as the foundations of your baby’s body and health are being laid.

Here are 5 keys to a healthy and happy first trimester to help you successfully navigate this exciting and challenging time in your pregnancy and life.

1. Have a Good Support System in Place

Having a good support system in place for your pregnancy is key to your own well-being. You will want to tell at least a couple of people that you are pregnant.

Having a small group of family members and friends there to support you emotionally is incredibly powerful and necessary to help you through this challenging and exciting time.

Experts advise that it is especially helpful to have a few mothers to share and consult with along the way who have experienced what you are currently going through.

You will want a few people besides your doctor and spouse to be able to ask questions, confide in and share your experiences with.

For example, you might have symptoms that seem strange or funny to you that you would like to ask a friend about, knowing that she will listen and answer you without judgment or ridicule.

Make sure to build that small but powerful circle of support as soon as you feel comfortable sharing your exciting news.

If you don’t have trustworthy or supportive people around you, reach out to organizations that mentor pregnant women and have a mission to empower pregnant women.

2. Find an Excellent Midwife

Every doctor or midwife or nurse practitioner has their own “bedside manner” and way of caring for and relating to their patients.

It is up to you to find a birth professional that suits your needs and preferences the best. Interviewing several people can be a very wise use of your time.

You want to find a professional who you have a good rapport with and someone you feel confident will provide you with the best care, take the time to answer all of your questions, and provide you with the guidance you need to have a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Ask family members and friends for recommendations. Look at online reviews. They can be an excellent resource. Also, check with your health insurance company to make sure you know what…
Continue reading about the first trimester pregnancy on Daisy Linden’s personal blog.

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