7 reasons why a dental implant is the right decision for you

beautiful smile girl

If you’re missing teeth, smiling is not easy. It’s a known fact that our smile is one of the first things other people notice about us.

And so, when a tooth is missing, smiling, talking, and exerting confidence can be much easier said than done. We fear that other people will judge us when a tooth is gone and so often, a missing tooth also causes us to dislike our own appearance.

No matter why you’re missing a tooth, a dental implant is a missing tooth solution that can brighten up your smile and instantly improve your confidence better than other replacement tooth options.

With a 97% success rate, the implants procedure is one that works for almost every patient, delivering a myriad of benefits in the process.

There are few risks associated with the procedure and it’s available for patients of all ages who are ready to love their smile again. Does that describe you?

If you’re ready to put a confident smile on your face again, learn why dental implants could provide the key to your confidence with the seven facts below.

1. Dental implants look and feel more like real teeth than other replacement options! It’s easier to smile with confidence and happiness when an implant replaces your lost tooth since there is no worry that it will fall out of your mouth or that other people will know that it is fake by simply looking at your smile.

No one will ever know that your tooth isn’t natural if you don’t divulge the information. The implant is attached to the jaw bone using a titanium screw where it becomes a permanent part of your mouth, preventing jawbone and facial deterioration.

2. When there is space between the teeth where a tooth or teeth should be, it may cause problems with your speech. The missing slot in the mouth causes air to suck in between the teeth.

It also prevents the tongue from properly curving, so it may not be easy to pronounce certain words, especially those that end in an “S”. If you experience speech problems, you may fear that others will notice and it’s quite possible they will, further causing embarrassment.

Fear not when an implants dentist is around to provide a safe replacement tooth solution that eliminates this worry.

3. After 30 years of clinical research and cosmetic dentistry, implants are a trustworthy missing tooth replacement option that you can trust to improve your oral health and beautiful smile.

Although popularity has considerably increased over the past few years, implants have been around, proven safe and effective for anyone missing…
Continue reading about dental implants on Daisy Linden’s personal blog.

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