Fast fashion is a term that a lot of people don’t understand, which is why we will take a detailed look at it today. The term is not a new one in the fashion industry, and it has become more popular in recent times. These days, a large part of many women’s wardrobe is the […] Read more »
Finding your fashion style is like creating a personal brand, it is something that will demand a lot of creativity from your end because it is what you will be known for, like your signature look. A lot of celebrities have fashion styles with unique apparel fabric that are closely associated with their names, even […] Read more »
The average person spends roughly $150.00 per month on clothing. You’d think that with all of that spending, we’d see more eye-catching outfits on the street. The truth is though… our team rarely does. The majority of outfits out there seem like close iterations of things that we’ve seen before and current fashion trends are […] Read more »
Thanksgiving is in 15 days, I repeat Thanksgiving is in 15 days! The time is flying by and the holidays will be here before we know it. As you all know, holidays bring lots of events. When going to these events, you’ll want to stand out and let people you haven’t seen since last year’s […] Read more »
Even though fashion seems to change in just a flash and something people are going gaga over today can be completely out of scene tomorrow, there are still some things that never go out of fashion. We all have experienced the moment when we open our wardrobe and take a look at our old clothes, […] Read more »