CBD – a solution for migraines?

woman suffering from migraine

You’ve probably heard of CBD before and the numerous illnesses and conditions it treats. But did you know that it has been shown that CBD effectively treats migraines? It has been demonstrated that CBD prevents anandamide from entering the cells by maintaining constant amounts outside the membrane.

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is just one of many chemicals of the cannabis plant. These compounds, which are mostly made from the trichomes of the cannabis plant, appear to have a wide range of therapeutic benefits.

As a result of its capacity to alleviate the signs and symptoms of numerous diseases, CBD, consumed in many different ways like using a quality vape or consuming an edible, and even topical creams have become very popular in relieving migraines. It has demonstrated an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-convulsive, and neuroprotective action.

Below, you will find out everything there is to know about the connection between CBD and migraines and the latest scientific findings on the topic.

What is a migraine?

A migraine is a headache of different intensity that often affects one side of the head and is felt as a painful pounding. They are much stronger compared to regular headaches. Migraines can also result in other symptoms including vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound in addition to the constant and frequently agonizing pain it causes. The severity of migraines varies from person to person. For some, it is a simple annoyance, while for others it is a pain so strong that does not allow them to get out of bed, they get visual disturbances and disorientation and it is impossible to perform daily activities.

There are different varieties of migraines, and each has a unique set of symptoms.

A migraine without an aura, which lasts for four to 72 hours and is characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head, affects between 70 and 90 percent of the population.

Another extremely typical type of migraine is one with an aura, which is characterized by several neurological symptoms. Partially darkened vision, flashes, “tunnel” vision, and shimmering patches in the field of vision.

Chronic migraine, which can last for more than 15 days each month, is another type of migraine.

Migraines and the endocannabinoid system

This system controls a variety of physiological activities. It is composed of receptors found in different cells dispersed throughout the body.

The endocannabinoid system, which can be stimulated by the administration of CBD, is crucial in the treatment of migraine.

According to a study in the journal Experimental Neurology, this system may process pain signals both centrally and peripherally.

By interacting with CB1 receptors, endocannabinoids would be able to prevent the release of neurotransmitters that regulate pain signals.

CBD and migraines

The absence of endocannabinoids in the body may be a factor in the occurrence of migraines and other conditions.

In some people, a condition known as clinical endocannabinoid deficiency may be the main factor causing migraines.

The body produces many endocannabinoids, including anandamide. This chemical can either activate or inhibit the activation of specific serotonin receptors. Anandamide may therefore have therapeutic benefits for the management of migraine.

It has been demonstrated that CBD blocks the enzymes responsible for AEA’s breakdown as well as its absorption.

As a result, CBD has the above-mentioned positive effect by allowing anandamide to circulate outside the cell for a longer time.

Using CBD to manage migraines

CBD can be administered in various ways. The CBD-rich cannabis flowers can be consumed through a joint or vaped by cannabis smokers.

Since CBD is gaining popularity, several seed companies are choosing to cultivate strains with extremely high CBD levels and almost no THC content.

Using CBD oil is perhaps the simplest and most covert way to consume CBD. As a daily dietary supplement, CBD oil is also offered in pill form.

There are hardly any negative consequences from CBD. If this is your first time tasting a CBD-containing product, we advise starting with a small amount and gradually increasing it to gauge your reaction. Make sure to discuss your options with your general health care provider so they can recommend you the best doses. Make sure to choose the best CBD product according to your preference. Use only what makes you feel comfortable and does not cause you any stress.

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