Finding your fashion style is like creating a personal brand, it is something that will demand a lot of creativity from your end because it is what you will be known for, like your signature look.
A lot of celebrities have fashion styles with unique apparel fabric that are closely associated with their names, even after they stop dressing that way, they are still linked to the style.
There are countless cases of celebrities with fashion styles so powerful that even after they died, that style of dressing still carried their names, an example is Elvis Presley’s shiny jumpsuit.
To figure out your own fashion style, you don’t have to be a celebrity like Elvis Presley or Jennifer Lawrence or a Kardashian, all you must do is keep to the basic rules of fashion and follow the guidelines we have carefully stated below.
If you are worried about finances, you don’t have to be, because what we have concluded so far in the world of fashion is that one doesn’t need to break the bank to make a fashion statement.
A good fashion taste coupled with proper knowledge of style combination will always give you more elegance than expensive items being used wrongly.
The first step to take when finding your fashion style is to know your body
Knowing your body is very important, you cannot possibly have a fashion style without knowing what category your body shape falls into.
Your height and size are not really what we are focused on here, as you can know them and still make wrong fashion choices. What is important when we talk about knowing your body in terms of fashion is your body type.
We are familiar with the hourglass figure, but not everyone has that shape, so wearing what would flatter an hourglass figure when you are an apple, pear, square or circle will not give you a good look.
If you have no idea what your body type is, stand naked in front of the mirror and use a marker to draw out your shape from your neck to your thighs, the resulting image you have in the mirror should be one of the shapes mentioned above. Keep it in mind and use the information when choosing clothes.
Now, study your dressing behavior
Look at your wardrobe carefully and take note of what you keep buying but never wear, also check…
Learn more about finding your fashion style on Life Is An Episode website.