man enjoying a cheese platter and tasting different wines

Food and wine pairings to try at the winery

If you are a foodie and you love to drink, you will be happy to learn that you can pair your favorite foods with many different wines. This is a great way to have a truly memorable experience when you visit a winery. However, there are several important things to remember when pairing foods with […] Read more »
pregnant woman preparing meal food

First trimester pregnancy diet: what to eat and what to avoid

The first trimester of your pregnancy is crucial for the baby’s growth and formation. This period may also define the viability of your pregnancy. Therefore, you should be mindful of what you eat during this trimester. The First Three Months As your little one grows within your protective womb, your body adjusts to suit the […] Read more »
fresh herbs

World’s healthiest herbs and spices

The use of herbs and spices as flavours to delicacies has been there for ages. There is something special about a dish with a dash of herbs. They have the power to turn an ordinary meal into a masterpiece. Other than them helping you to prepare finger-licking meals, they also have medicinal value and that’s […] Read more »
morning food in bowls

These are the best foods to eat before drinking

If you’ve ever had this tingling sensation in your stomach or feel uncomfortable after drinking, you should know that this is as a result of drinking on an empty stomach. The pain you feel the following morning after a bottle of beer isn’t just uncomfortable but harmful for your health. Mostly, there’s no single perfect […] Read more »
glasses of red wine and white wine

Red wine vs white wine: what’s the difference?

Do you have a favorite wine? With so many to choose from in terms of grape, sweetness and flavor, it can be difficult to choose just one. Some people simply prefer red wines over white, and vice versa, while other people prefer one over the other depending on what they’re eating. But, what actually makes […] Read more »