4 tips for getting a better night’s sleep

woman sleeping on the bed

Despite how much we might think that as we get older the more tired we get, the truth is that as we get older harder it gets to fall asleep and stay asleep. As such, many adults may find themselves struggling to stay awake during the day.

A good night’s sleep isn’t just about avoiding bags under your eyes either. Proper sleep can boost your immune system, and even avoid memory-related diseases like Alzheimer’s. The great news is that a good night’s sleep often comes down to practicing simple habits.

Create the Right Atmosphere

One of the most important parts of getting a good night’s rest is ensuring that you’re sleeping in an environment that promotes healthy sleep. That means blocking out noise, light, and any other distractions which could inhibit you from entering a deep sleep.

Whether you have a white noise machine, or you keep earplugs on your nightstand, it’s important that you give yourself the right tools for blocking out noise. You should also consider investing in blackout curtains so that you sleep in total darkness. Remember, the quality of sleep is just as important as quantity.

Create a Nighttime Routine

Part of getting a good night’s sleep is ensuring that you engage in a healthy bedtime routine. That means avoiding activities that overly stimulate your brain which could impact your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Sleep experts recommend avoiding screens and bright light for at least one hour leading up to bedtime.

Even though it may seem innocent to look at your phone before you fall asleep, the truth is that your brain will have a harder time shutting off when it comes time to shut your eyes and drift off to sleep.


For many people, one of the challenges of getting a good night’s sleep is the stress of day-to-day life. Do you find yourself anxiously going over everything you did that day and everything you need to do the next day? Consider meditation or guided hypnosis right before you go to bed. There are many different apps available that can help you reach a meditative state of mind.

There are also plenty of free tutorials on YouTube. If you’re an extremely anxious person you may find that meditation is very helpful for reducing stress and anxiety.

Avoid Coffee After a Certain Time

Even though that 3:00 PM coffee may seem like it’s helping, it may actually be inhibiting you from getting a good night’s sleep. Avoid caffeine past noon, and you’ll find a significant difference in how quickly you fall asleep in the evening. If you find yourself needing an extra jolt throughout the day, consider another source of energy like water or green tea.

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